Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My destiny is not to struggle, it is to overcome.

I'm not a fan of generalizing or categorizing people because we are deeply multi-dimensional beings. if one generalization could be made, it is that we cannot generalize one another. myers-briggs, horoscopes, blood types, not only typify people, but it leads us to believe that we all fall under one of those categories and that's the way life is. 

this is not true: we are capable of change, but only when we realize it. life moves in stages and ages and we change through these seasons. 

you are your own person and you make your own choices. you may only be summed up in words or categories - at best - for a short while. the rest is up to you...

Hold dearly to childhood passion and ambition or forfeit your inner strength. Somewhere inbetween the years of growing up and insecurity, we forget that the world is our oyster. seek out that narrow path you know exists; the path of living life without regrets.

Allow your fate to measure up to your destiny - your destiny to have life in abundance.

"I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
-Jesus, John 10:10