Monday, May 12, 2008

growing up


i used to want to be a rock star or professional drummer. or a drummer for a rock band. my high school band teacher taught me to love music and to play passionately, and for a while i did.
but i think more than wanting to play music passionately, i just wanted to be passionate about something.

as the years come, i wonder if my paycheck will come from something that i believe in. A part of me is afraid that i'm becoming older but not wiser. safer but less alive. i want to wake up to something that i've fought for. i hope i never grow up to lose that edge.

dear future brian, dont grow up too fast. stay hungry!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The world aint ready.

a new delicious drink is born.

In a far off parking garage...

here we come!