covered with my shine and shame, at the end of the day i want to meet a hug that has no reservation.
"a wife of noble character who can find? she is worth far more than rubies" (proverbs 31:10).
i also want to overcome my shallowness and wholeheartedly desire a woman worth more than jewels and not one that sparkles like one.
it is unfortunate, but for the best, that good men and women are often hidden by their looks. their inner beauty is concealed by their physical modesties. though they are diamonds in the rough they cry because they are overlooked and forgotten. but at the end of the day their tears will marry with joy because someone worthy will surely search the contents of the heart and find a great treasure: a love that is mutual, full, satisfied, joyful, and uplifting.
this is why Christ is second to none in capturing the hearts of men and women. he skips past our faces and gazes straight into the hearts and still loves us. i believe this is one of our heart's greatest desires (if not the greatest).
I'm pretty sure that's why God wants us to be people of genuinely holy character (and people with the wisdom to desire people of character). because he doesnt want anyone to get jipped. instead, "[he] came that [we] may have life and have it to the full" (john 10:10).
Isn't God awesome? he created our hearts to desire the best of love that comes from holy things like substance and not from lesser things like beauty.
1 comment:
hahaha brian. thanks for the comment. and nice blog yourself. i'm glad i had something to do with it! btw, i never made the alpha male "any specific" characteristic ;). glad you picked that up. fo shizzle!
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