specifically, I've been doing a lot of thinking about my future job. its not the most comfortable subject to think about; not easy to find peace over. I panic because I need to be accepted (or so I've been taught). I've told myself that I need a great job not for the money, but so that I'll fit into society's mold. Sometimes I feel like I'm studying hard just to become a wallflower.

however, I'm finding something to sink my teeth into: because God is all-knowing, he knows what truly matters in life; He says its not about what others think about me, but what He thinks about me. and since I know He loves me no matter what (and everyone for that matter), i should just live to understand and delight in that one thing.
its not so much about I's or ME's or MYSELF's. its about US: me & him together.
It's sweet how God tells us very specifically not to worry about our future. its also interesting how the concept of having faith in something is devoid of worry and anxiety because they inherently clash. I dont think anyone can handle the pressures of life on their own philosophies- not without lying to themselves at least.
He's always redefining my needs with his truth.
"GOD! I need a job that pays good money!"
--"no, you need to know that I accept you just as you are"
In the end, we're all searching for the right things in the wrong place. we tried to find the necessary things like security, love, acceptance, hope, by chasing things like money, honor, applause, and knowledge. while those aren't necessarily bad things, they are worldly things that cant fill this divine hole in our hearts. from what i see, God is here not to spoil our fun, but to fill that spiritual hole by revealing redefining truths that points us to the place of inner peace: in his arms of love.

hi brian!
you're awesome.
and dont forget it!
good post brian
dang for sure brian. thanks you
bro you need to sleep man!
haha anyways
God Bless
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