the new jason mraz stuff is off the heezy. currently playing: "a beautiful mess". turn it on to feel me.
i love my new mouthwash. it makes my mouth smell like xylitol. for cave dwellers: xylitol is a delicious gum that cleans your teeth while making them smell apple-smashing good.
has anyone else been blown away by China's opening ceremony? i wont spoil it for you, but i got 10+ chills watching the amount of detail and skill that went into every performance. prepare to be amazed! (watch "sights and sounds")
cooking is my new craft. step into my home and let me cook my way into your heart. my latest creation shown below: balsalmic vinagrette/extra virgin olive oil over a spring salad + romaine hearts, orange/yellow sweet peppers, cucumbers, almonds, baked tilipia marinated in worcestershire sauce, parmesean cheese, and almonds. boom.
i need a dslr. PLEASE SANTA!!!! i would put it to such good use!
went to the sahn diago wild animal park the other day (decided via coin flip) and i loved it very much. i guess its kinda sad that the animals are like prisoners. less hostile and less rape-some prisoners. but i guess its better than being eaten? i digress, my favorite exhibit was the deer one. i love deer. i think they're the most peaceful looking animals. i almost got emotional petting one.

had an internship interview a few days ago, and i must say that it was better than my last one. no stuttering, awkward, stupid sentences this time. my would-be boss is a really cool and down-to-earth guy. i hope i get it! crossing my fingers! i find out on monday! more exclamations marks!
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