Friday, December 18, 2009
Absolute necessity of faith
Friday, December 4, 2009
Raymond Carver and Highlighters
Sunday, November 29, 2009
All or Nothing or a Regretful inbetween
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving 09
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Beginning of the end: Thoughts from a college senior
Sunday, November 8, 2009
God of Justice - Tim Hughes
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served
Jesus, You have called us
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give
We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go
To act justly everyday
Loving mercy in everyway
Walking humbly before You God
You have shown us, what You require
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out Lord
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Murphy's law came true today
I don't know who writes the course descriptions in the university general catalog. It's probably some evil dude. like that red devil/lobster/demon-in-high heels from powderpuff girls (...not that I watch powderpuff girls...)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
On becoming rats
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Overflow harvesting at UCSD
Kim Walker says that when we encounter the love of God, we're never the same. It is the cry of my heart for God to pour out that ancient promise over our fellow students; to turn the heart of our nation back to him; to see every heart, mind, and soul at UCSD captivated by Christ. To receive mercy instead of justice; to receive transformation instead of what we deserve.
When I connect with God's heart, I can't help having a passion for what he is passionate about - the harvest. Jesus also calls us to be careful and wise in how we live, making the most of every opportunity. I believe the college campus is an unbelievable opportunity. I also believe that it is no accident that we, as college students, have ended up precisely where we are via happenstance. Every divine fiber in our destiny has been intertwined and carefully woven to herald the moment we are living in now - a moment in which we must choose to survive timidly or thrive passionately.
I know a beautiful truth in which I place my hope and faith: God desires to partner with imperfect people to perfect his work. When the accuser thrusts shame upon my heart, I am sustained and refreshed in the hope of God - that my life has a great purposeful work to be revealed and that I have been given authority to do it. I can do all things in Him who strengthens me for we did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but we have received the spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba, Father!". His spirit is the sole source of transformational holiness, and I have faith that he pours it out freely to his every single one of his faithful to this very day.
Though I wrestled thoroughly with the theological validation and soundness of student-led simple churches, it became increasingly clear that a brilliant (though man-made) strategy and infrastructure cannot supplant the holiness and obedience by which harvests are reaped. Through student-led simple churches, the word comes to life in relevant and life-changing ways bringing forth the living waters to every member of the body because they so deeply require complete dependence on God. In the simplicity of an intimate setting, guards are dropped, lives are exposed, and real-talk resounds. Where resources lack, the Spirit provides. Where theology divides, Godly obedience unifies. Where there is dependence on God, there is power. By handing over the reins to the Lord, the long due fruit finally ripens and we make space for the heavenly gardener to do only what He can.
Children do not forget the love of their father, and all other shiny things pale in comparison to Him. Their love is too fixated on Him; their eyes are still.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Essential Silliness
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Things that girls do that are hilarious

Monday, September 7, 2009
Surfing: chapter one in my quest to become a "bro"
Right after I bought it, I drove over to La Jolla shores with some friends to give it its maiden voyage. It was a perfect day: beautiful sunset, super warm water, and good friends to enjoy it with. after paddling out, I caught my first wave in what could have been the most alive I had felt in a while; I couldn't stop myself from yelling at the top of my lungs amidst the breaking waves and seafoam. It's a strange feeling being ashore because everything is so still and foreign to what its like constantly adjusting your balance to the waves. the thrill and rush of cruising on top of a wave really made me realize how much i've been missing out on and how an entire surf culture could come from one simple yet enthralling pleasure: riding waves.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
a hunger that satisfies
Monday, August 24, 2009
Midnight thoughts II: The Widow's offering
"And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came in and put in two small copper coins, which made a penny*. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. for they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."
Midnight thoughts
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday afternoon in La Jolla
Thursday, July 30, 2009
4 things at midnight
When I have kids, I want to love my children the same way my mom and dad love me.
You're a vegetable in the matrix when you're consumed by the grind, but the catch is that you don't know it; everyone needs a morpheus to unplug them.
I want to stay young and hungry at heart forever, even when the white hairs don't say so. I never want to lose sight of what is truly important.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Longings of the Human Heart
but anyway...
"Achievement"- in my opinion - is one of the heaviest words in the English dictionary because it makes you ask yourself if you've done something good with your life. A lot of people spend years in velvety armchairs pondering the the measure of a 'good' life, but it seems redundant to do so because its not something that is understood in theory, but in practice. There's so much more to the ride than its physics: it's the thrill and adventure that makes it worth riding at all.
Somewhere in the humdrum of modern American mediocrity, the sweetness of that thrill is lost.
The domestication of the postmodern man's imagination leads sets off an alarm that asks whether there is more to life than earning it all just to leave it behind.
I like to believe that my life is a story filled with pages and snapshots of the people I've met, the places I've been, and the things I've been through. Maybe its out of a self-centeredness, but I lose sight of the fact that there are as many other stories as there are people in the world, each writing theirs furiously as I am mine. When I think about the hundreds of thousands of different stories out there being written, it makes me happy that everyone's life is meaningful but it also unsettles me because I realize that in many ways, mine isn't any schnazzier than someone else's. I begin to feel like just another number in the long string of equations before mine. Herein lies our struggle and life-long pursuit to do something "good" the life we've been given.
Most days I'll wake up early, gather my briefcase, work hard for the next 9 hours, come home, dance at the studio, play guitar/throw-in the occasional coffee shop gig, then eat a freakin awesome dinner and go to sleep. On the good days, I'll be pleased with myself. On the bad ones, I'll wish I were something better. Whichever way it plays out, the outcome is always the same. There comes a time in every man's life when he shuts his door to lay down and ask himself "what am I doing with my life?"
It looks so good on the outside. I'm blessed to have good health, friends who are there for me, a great education, a solid internship, and hobbies that excite me.
Here's the problem: the moment I put down my guitar I wonder to myself what would happen if I ever achieve legendary guitar-hero status. Even after the benefit concerts, the fame, the broken record sales, and charity events, would I have left an everlasting dent on the face of the Earth? Even when the most lurid dream becomes a reality, what's it worth if it's nothing more than than a memoir saying "I was here briefly" to be forgotten eventually, even if 1000 years down the road? I feel crushed. It is not cynicism, it just wont settle. There's something missing.
The human heart is programmed differently than the brain. The brain tells us we should be happy with our security, but the heart disagrees - it longs for more. And for that, perhaps the heart is the wiser organ.
We can believe that happiness is what life is about, but our hearts disagree. It will tell you there is more.
JESUS is the more you are looking for.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
You are invited.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Running and Discipline
"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Melting a Proud Heart
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
It was a drizzly night and i was driving home on a rural road with here-and-there streetlights when all the sudden BA-BOOM I drove over something with my driver's side tire as I saw the tail-end of a bunny shadow running in front of my car. As soon as I look into my rear view all i saw was a small shadow lying in the middle of a road. The thought of its little furry body passing under my seat still haunts me.
I wonder what the bunny was thinking... it literally jumped right in front of my wheel as if it were thinking "Oh hey, here comes a wheel. I think I'll jump in front of it." WHY BUNNY? WHY!!!
My roommate asked me if I'd feel bad running over a possum. I think I could get over it. yeah, yeah I know - that sounds unfair, but it is what it is: Possums are really, really ugly. Here are some animals that I think come close to the ugliness of a possum:
**I now realize that my make-believe word bunnyslaughter looks like "bunnys laughter." I assure you there was no bunny laughter that evening. Maybe some bunnytears.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
"If you care so much about life, why aren't you doing anything about sex-trafficking? systemic poverty? international genocide?"
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The wonder, magic, and intensity of faith.
You cannot be a Christian without being a mystic.I was talking to a homeless man at a laundry mat recently, and he said that when we reduce Christian spirituality to math we defile the Holy. I thought that was very beautiful and comforting because I have never been good at math. Many of our attempts to understand Christian faith have only cheapened it. I can no more understand the totality of God that the pancake I made for breakfast understands the complexity of me. The little we do understand, that grain of sand on our minds are capable of grasping, those ideas such as God is good, God feels, God loves, God knows all, are enough to keep our hearts dwelling on His majesty and otherness forever.I love how the Gospels start, with John the Baptist eating bugs and baptizing people. The religious people started getting baptized because it had become popular, and John yells at them and calls them snakes. He says the water wont do anything for them, it will only get their snakeskins wet. But if they meant it, if they had faith that Jesus was coming and was real, then Jesus would ignite the kingdom life within them. I love that because for so long, religion was my false gospel. But there was no magic in it, no wonder, no awe, no kingdom life burning in my chest. And when i get tempted by that same stupid Christian religion, I go back to the beginning of the Gospels and am comforted that there is something more than the emptiness of ritual. God will ignite the kingdom life within me, the Bible says. That's mysticism. It isn't a formula that I am figuring out. It is something God does.Too much of our time is spent trying to chart God on a grid, and too little is spent allowing our hearts to feel awe. By reducing Christian spirituality to formula, we deprive our hearts of wonder.- Donald Miller
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
do more
after all I’ve seen, I’ve still a lot of growing to do
until I can fill in the space in my Father's shoe
I might have written a verse or two
About all the lovey things I’d like to do
Hypocrisy! Yuck, but it’s true.
I’ve yet to find rhythm in what I must
There may be some swag dripping off the splash in my diction
But the friction of conviction re-minds my mind to remind me I must obey
It’s the ghost of a hope in an evil day
You see, I’ve done a lot of learning to love people in clever ways
but talking’s made my walking
Though love is described as both a verb and a word,
it remains - at best - just an idea you've heard.
That is, until you do it.
Then it’s like magic,
Though there’s no trick
Am I:
In a cage?
Staring helplessly?
Longing for a chance to show my brother love?
No. debt paid and cage-less, I am a free man.
A free. laaaaazy. man.
Fat and gluttoned off grace,
I’ve dropped the baton during the race
set up camp on the side of the road
and enjoyed the embrace of the destructive broad.
“What is love?”
You can read about it in a book
You can talk about it ‘til your throat runs dry
You can even pull your head back and gaze into the sky
BUT keep in mind –
time is ticking
motivation is fleeting
You’ll never learn to swim ‘til you jump in
It isn’t love until you do it. It really isn’t.
I’m poor!
though my wallets packs a few bills,
these sermons sound good but they can’t fulfill spiritual thrills.
There’s more to life than Sundays,
God plans to end my life with a bang, not a sigh.
And for that? I’d gladly give it to him
than to half-ass another hymn.
Though I’m not old, my heart is bold
Though I have fl aws I won’t give pause
I’m selling my gold to hold. More.
I’m heading into the darkest part of town to plant some life
Cause the hungry ones are the most ignored
Little do they know, theirs is the Lord’s reward.
I should stop writing. I’m off to fill in some shoes.
Friday, March 27, 2009
big picture
Falling in love with Jesus was and is amazing. The sky didn't crack open. There weren't any angels doing the electric slide. But committing my life to Jesus would change me forever: after seeing how awesome He was, there has never been anything that has come close to his goodness in my life. He loves me, encourages me, comforts me in my depression, and strengthens me to have self-control instead of want. When I realized how much Jesus meant to me, I knew that he was would forever be my first love and that his word would reign supreme over that of any man's word in my life.
For this reason, we must inevitably find ourselves asking "why do I do the Christian things that I do? Do we apply patterns in christian lifestyle because it is holy or because it seems holy?"
not to say that these "Christian things" or other parts of Christian culture are bad. Indeed, many of them purport strong discipleship and growth. however, things that seem biblical may not actually be biblical; what may start as a good intention, without biblical roots, can be cancerous to our relationship with Him. We may end up doing things for reasons that we do not even know; we may be taking the words of man in place of God's.
Why do we follow specifications for the sabbath? do we feel guilty when we worship on a day other than Sunday? do we freak out when we worship with friends at home instead of a building? if so, why?
"Have you never read what David did, when he was in need and was hungry, he and those who were with him: how he entered the house of God, in the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and also gave it to those who were with him? The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath."
We obey to demonstrate that he is Lord. He is not Lord because we demonstrate.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My destiny is not to struggle, it is to overcome.
Friday, March 13, 2009
dance: a love-hate thing.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
breathing the excitement back
Hello old friend. Time to bare the 'ol soul.
I think I love the idea of control. Especially over things like what job I'll have or how I'll live. If i could, I would frame all my plans in a neat little cherry-glass frame and fold my arms in admiration. It is pretty awesome. I love control.
My American dream is set in scenic Monterey, California. Its sleepy mornings always linger as if the land itself were half-awake as veils of mist roll over the large oak beams of my home. The view is a thief, stealing breaths through views that frame grassy cliffs overlooking the white sands of Carmel, its turquoise shores, and the constant salty breeze that floats through the window as if it were on tap. It’s perfect: far from the sting of reality. I am happy and it is everything I want: security, comfort, peace. It is my fantasy waiting to be realized. My escape.
When life is an eye-sore, I just want to shut my eyes. Do you ever feel like that? I want my sea-cliff home. I want my $100,000 guitar. I want my Steinway piano. I want to numb it all away, hoping that it will.
Please try to feel me. Is it our desire as Americans to escape reality? To turn a blind eye to the suffering? Is there really more to life than getting rich, being happy, and dying? Or do we really just want to bask so deeply in applause that it drowns out the moans of people with needs? I don't want to fall asleep in luxury while somewhere, the sky is falling. I know that no matter how much I sit there on that patio enjoying the Monterey sunset, reality is still there tapping on my shoulder.

The dream is just a dream. Its cheap fabrications are lined with plastic. It just seems fake and unsatisfying.
Kanye has said some ridiculous things but he's right when he said "The highest up are often the most down low." How is it that the more we hold on to our lives, the more it crumbles apart? Often times, what we’d like to control often controls us: our lifestyles, our jobs, our fears. They consume us, dictate our feelings, and direct our actions. It almost seems crazy that God wants us to loosen our grip over our lives to trust that He has the best intentions for our lives. But that’s the funny thing that I’ve discovered: the less plans I try to make and the more I listen to what He has to say, the more peace and stability there is in my life. I think it’s because of the love he showers on me. His love is a pretty wild thing. It doesn’t obey the law of reason and it knows no boundaries. Even though I’ve disappointed him countless times, He continues to love me and encourage me. It’s that sort of wilderness about His love that captures my imagination – my desire.
I believe at the end of the day, we’re all looking for the love of a good father; a love that is unconditional. It’s the type of love that sees you for who you are – good and bad –and loves you regardless. The problem is that we’re looking for the right thing in all the wrong places: wealth, fame, status, etc. After my long search, the only person I know that can provide that sort of love day after day without fail is God. We can’t expect to fill the God-shaped hole in our hearts with anything otherwise.
I’m a total believer in enjoying life, but there’s a very fine line between happiness and ignorance. When it’s crossed, we lie to ourselves by convincing ourselves that we’re happy with our wealth and achievements. However, there is very little difference between folding our hands over our eyes and retreating to our million dollar homes. We're running from reality. A good friend of mine once said that all sunshine and no rain make for a desert. Life isn’t always sunshine as much as we’d like it to be. We need to understand that storms come and sometimes, we need them to remind us that there are deeper things in life.
So maybe the American dream is not so much a dream as it is a delusion because there is no "there" once you get there. It’s very possible that the only thing worse than planning what we want is when we actually get it. How many millionaires have been met with disappointment and a lingering for more after accomplishing the dreams of their youth? We can’t expect lifeless things to breathe life into ours. Even when we place our hope in our friends and family, they can fail us. It almost begs the question of whether there is anything in life that is constant and always there. I’ve only found one trustworthy person whom I can place my trust and hope: Jesus.
A lot of people say that Jesus is a crutch for the weak in spirit, but I am convinced that true strength is found in becoming like Him. I mean, If someone hurts you, it’s easy to give into our primal desire to repay an eye for an eye, but it takes true strength to humble oneself and to forgive an enemy. It’s hard to love people. But I want to be strong. And I know that the strength of the arm pales in comparison to the strength of humility. Jesus is seriously hardcore.
If you’ve ever felt like God doesn’t know you or care about you because you feel like an average person, don’t feel that way. He cares about you. He cares about your future. If you don’t believe me, find a bible and locate the verse Jeremiah 29:11.
There’s so much treasure to be hand when we understand that it’s not the achievements in life that make it succulent, but it’s the love of God that makes me confident that life is being lived to its fullest. His passionate love that he offers you is incomparable to any amount of fame, wealth, or even a woman's love. Welcome to a life with Jesus! He is so good that once you've had a taste of how good he is, everything else in life pales in comparison to what I can only describe as a mix of incredible joy, peace, and fulfillment. I'd humiliate myself for Him.
More than anything, He wants to make your life exciting. He wants to partner with you, to be a reliable friend. I know it sounds hard to believe, but that’s what faith is. Before you pursue a relationship with Him, I make an honest warning: He will completely change your life and you'll never come across anything better in your life.
Dare to believe that there’s someone on the other end of your prayers. For one faithful moment, loose your control over life.
When you lose your life, you’ll find it. In abundance.