The great thing about nature is that it makes you feel so small.

i grew up loving the outdoors. i remember hiking through mountains, the heaviness of waterfall mist in the air, looking up at the giant sequoias, crawling across huge boulders, struggling up fresh trails, and when i surveyed it all, i felt a little helpless. I felt like an outsider in God's playground.

you can almost hear the faintness of stolen breaths from others who had seen the same sights hundreds and even thousands of years before. it takes you back to a place before nature-being became sight-seeing. in your gut, you can feel it.
and when i look back at myself, my achievements, my pride, and my problems, they seem so irrelevant and small. the trees that have seen so much over hundreds or even thousands of years, continue to live on past the lives of men who have staked their legacies on fashioning glory and achieving impressive works. but even the greatest men in history in perish. and as if the cedars should pay tribute and the stars weep- no - life goes on and the earth continues to spin. quiet as ever.
Nature remains a beautiful overseer through time.

what building exists that is more beautiful than the gentle ebbs of the tide? what piece of art is more beautiful than the snow falling on forest tops? there is no man-made thing that can compare to the surpassing beauty of a simple wave of natures hand.

i wish we were more spiritual. in a simpler times, men all over the earth recognized that somewhere out there in the mystery of the universe, there was a God, and i believe it was because they felt overwhelmed at the sight of nature. it inspired them, challenged them, and awakened their souls in a way that art or any man-made thing could not. it was God's letter to us: "I am here, near you. I am your God." but now, the concrete jungles have replaced the wilderness until all that remains are monoliths that pay tribute to man and his glory. we've drowned out the call of God with the clamor of men.
come near to God, and He will come near to you.James 4:8